MSJ Autumn Meeting 2024

MSJ Autumn Meeting 2024 at Osaka University


Venue: Osaka University
Dates: September 3—6, 2024
Co-organizer: Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University
Chair of Organizing Committee: Ryushi GOTO
Chair of Executive Committee: Katsutoshi YAMANOI

MSJ Autumn Meeting 2024 at Osaka University


Application of Talks and Submission of Abstracts

Access and Campus Map

Open Lectures for Citizens

Sponsored by:
  The Mathematical Society of Japan
  Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
  Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
  Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University
  September 7th (Sat) 14:00--16:30
  Nambu Yoichiro Hall, 2F, Bldg. J, School of Science / Graduate School of Science
  Opening Speech:
    Seiichi Kamada (President of MSJ / Osaka Univ.) (14:00--14:05)
  Lecture 1:
    Hiroshi Sugita (Osaka Univ.)
    Seeking the origin of randomness ---from the viewpoint of computation (14:10--15:10)
  Lecture 2:
    Osamu Fujino (Kyoto Univ.)
    On Oda’s conjecture (15:30--16:30)