MSJ Spring Meeting 2013

Submission Process of Talks

MSJ Spring Meeting 2013
Venue: Yoshida-South Campus, Kyoto University
Dates: March 20-23, 2013

Phase 1 Obtain Temporary ID Number and Activation Key from MSJ Office

  • It is necessary to open an account on MSJ-APP server in order that yßou submit contributed talks.
  • MSJ members have already received an ID number and an Activation Key from MSJ Office, which are necessary for this process, called ACTIVATION.
  • (Temporary ID for non-MSJ members) It is necessary to be a MSJ member in order to submit contributed talks in MSJ Spring/Autumn Meetings. You can submit, however, talks at Spring Meeting 2013 held at Kyoto University even if you are not. You can get a temporary ID of the MSJ APP server under the condition that you become a MSJ member from the first half of the MSJ year 2013/14 staring April 1st.
    To obtain a temporary account, you are asked to send mail to the MSJ office at member(at) by comleting the following form. The deadline is at 15:00 on November 29.
    I would like a temporary MSJ ID to submit talks at MSJ Spring Meeting 2013 held in Kyoto University.
    Family Name:
    Given Name:
    Affiliation in detail:
    Personal Address:
    Zip Code:
    E-mail address:

    You will be sent an URL to access for activation process. Proceed to the Phase 2(B) for detail.

Phase 2(A) Activation of an account for MSJ members

  • With the ID number and the Activation Key you have obtained from MSJ, you can make an account on MSJ APP Server. This proess is called ACTIVATION and exaplined in detail in the English Manual.
  • The most important object of Activation is to register your e-mail address, to which MSJ APP Server sends e-mail in the submission process of talks. Moreover after the Activation, you are to make login to the system with the e-mail adress as ID and your own password which is set up during the Activation process.

Phase 2(B) Activation of an account for non-MSJ mebers

  • You will receive from activation(at) The mail will include the URL of a webpage which guides you to set up your own password.
  • The detail of this process is exlained in the manual.

Phase 3 Submit your talk -- Enter the data of your talk

  • The submission of your talk is to be done in another online application, MSJ-CONF system, which will be linked at the top of MSJ APP Server. You make login to MSJ-CONF System, with ID and password set up during the Activation process.
  • In the submission process, it is necessary to fix a research section (or a session) where to give a talk. You have the list of Research Sections and Session. In some Sections, you are asked choose a keyword from the list of Key Words.
  • The detail about the submission process is explained in the latest version of Engslish Manual, in which the submission process of extended abstracts is also described.
  • The deadline for the submission is at 23:59 on December 2(Sun).

Phase 4 Submission of an extended abstract

  • The word extended abstract may be misleadig for KMS members. It takes for proceedings of your talks.
  • The length of an extended abstract is two pages except that it is four pages in the Research Section "Applied Mathematics". You are asked to use the LaTeX Class File for contributed Talks.
  • The detail about the Abstract Submission is also exlained in the English Manual for MSJ-CONF System.
  • The deadline for the submission is at 23:59 on December 2(Sun).