MSJ Spring Meeting 2010

Plenary and Invited Organized Talks


Plenary Talks, March 25 at Hiyoshi Campus, Dokuritsu-kan BLDG D-101

15:30-16:30 MSJ Spring Prize Awardee
16:45-17:45 Iwasaki, Katsunori (Kyushu Univ.)
Dynamics and Algebraic Analysis of Painlevé equations
Summary Algebraic geometry and moduli theory of Painlevé equations are combined with ergodic theory of birational maps on complex surfaces via Riemann-Hilbert correspondence to reveal chaotic nature of the dynamics of the sixth Painlevé equation. The main subject of this talk is the qualitative study of Painlevé equations focusing on the dynamical complexity of their trajectories, while the recent interests of the field are mainly in the aspects of integrable systems.
Key Words Painlevé equations, algebraic geometry, moduli spaces, monodromy, birational maps, ergodic theory, chaos, periodic points

Invited Organized Talks, March 24, 13:00-14:00, at Yagami Campus

Parallel III BLDG 12, 1F, Room 108
Takada, Akira (AGC, Asahi Glass)
Applied mathematics in industry --One example in research and development of glass materials
Key Words glass, topology, molecular simulation
Parallel IV BLDG 12, 1F, Room 109
Fujiki, Akira (Osaka Univ.)
Compact twistor spaces -- as complex manifolds --
Key Words twistor space, (anti-)self-dual metric, method of Donaldson-Friedman

Invited Organized Talks, March 26, 13:00-14:00, at Yagami Campus

Parallel III BLDG 12, 1F, Room 108
Nagai, Toshitaka (Hiroshima Univ.)
Critical phenomena for chemotaxis equations
Key Words chemotaxis, critical phenomena
Parallel IV BLDG 12, 1F, Room 109
Shimizu, Kunio (Keio Univ.)
Probability Distributions in Directional Statistics
Key Words circular statistics, distributions on the sphere, torus, cylinder and disc
Parallel V BLDG 12, 1F, Room 110
Umehara, Masaaki (Osaka Univ.)
Geometry of fronts -- the intrinsic duality of wave fronts and its application
Key Words Surfaces with singular points

Invited Organized Talks, March 27, 13:00-14:00, at Yagami Campus

Parallel III BLDG 12, 1F, Room 108
Koshitani, Shigeo (Chiba Univ.)
What is representing groups? --Modular representation theory, now, past and future
Key Words finite group, modular representation, Broué's conjecture
Parallel VI BLDG 12, 2F, Room 210
Oshima, Toshio (Univ. of Tokyo)
Special functions and linear algebraic ordinary differential equations
Summary We give a unified interpretation of confluence, contiguity relation and Katz's middle convolutions for linear ordinary differential equations with polynomial coefficients. The integral representation and series expansion of their solutions are also within our interpretation. As applications to Fuchsian differential equations, we construct a universal model of Fuchsian differential equations with a given spectral type, in particular, we construct single ordinary differential equations without apparent singularities corresponding to the rigid local systems, whose existence was an open problem presented by Katz. Furthermore we obtain an explicit solution of the connection problem for the rigid Fuchsian differential equations. We give examples calculated by our fractional calculus.
Key Words Fuchsian differential equation, middle convolution, connection problem, special function, Riemann scheme