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Vol. 72, No. 3 (July, 2020)
S.Seki; S.Yamamoto Ohno-type identities for multiple harmonic sums 673−686
A.Martinez; V.Sordoni Widths of highly excited resonances in multidimensional molecular predissociation 687−730
O.Iyama; X.Zhang Classifying τ-tilting modules over the Auslander algebra of K[x]/(xn) 731−764
G.Solomadin Explicit constructions of bordism of Milnor hypersurface H1,n and \mathbb{C} P1×\mathbb{C}Pn-1 765−776
A.Ayzenberg Dimensions of multi-fan duality algebras 777−794
W.Chen; C.Zhu; Y.Zuo; Y.Jiao Two-weighted estimates for positive operators and Doob maximal operators on filtered measure spaces 795−817
H.Kato; M.Matsumoto Finite-to-one zero-dimensional covers of dynamical systems 819−845
R.Huang; J.Wu Combinatorics of double loop suspensions, evaluation maps and Cohen groups 847−889
D.Moussard; E.Wagner A Fox–Milnor theorem for the Alexander polynomial of knotted 2-spheres in S4 891−907
E.Bannai; G.Navarro; N.Rizo; P.H.Tiep Unitary t-groups 909−921
H.A.Miyazawa; K.Wada; A.Yasuhara Generalized virtualization on welded links 923−944
R.N.Araújo dos Santos; M.F.Ribeiro; M.Tibăr Milnor–Hamm sphere fibrations and the equivalence problem 945−957
T.Sogabe The homotopy groups of the automorphism groups of Cuntz–Toeplitz algebras 959−989
M.Miyazaki Fiber cones and analytic spreads of the canonical and anticanonical ideals and limit Frobenius complexity of Hibi rings 991−1023

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