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Vol. 70, No. 2 (April, 2018)
S.Hurder; R.Langevin Dynamics and the Godbillon-Vey class of C1 foliations 423−462
T.Li; C.Nie Spacelike Dupin hypersurfaces in Lorentzian space forms 463−480
D.Burns; A.Kumon On the Galois structure of arithmetic cohomology II: ray class groups 481−517
X.-M. Li Homogenization on homogeneous spaces 519−572
D.Cerveau; J.Déserti Birational maps preserving the contact structure on P3C 573−615
F.E.Burstall; U.Hertrich-Jeromin; Y.Suyama Curvilinear coordinates on generic conformally flat hypersurfaces and constant curvature 2-metrics 617−649
S.Ohta Needle decompositions and isoperimetric inequalities in Finsler geometry 651−693
Ş.Papadima; L.Paunescu Rank two jump loci for solvmanifolds and Lie algebras 695−709
S.Ōuchi A functional equation with Borel summable solutions and irregular singular solutions 711−731
T.Banakh; I.Belegradek Spaces of nonnegatively curved surfaces 733−756
M.Tsujii Exponential mixing for generic volume-preserving Anosov flows in dimension three 757−821
Ö.Küçüksakalli; H.Önsiper Arithmetic exceptionality of generalized Lattés maps 823−832
Z.-Q.Chen; M.Fukushima Reflections at infinity of time changed RBMs on a domain with Liouville branches 833−852
K.Guo; X.Wang The graded structure induced by operators on a Hilbert space 853−875
P.J.Rabier Erratum to "Lp measure of growth and higher order Hardy-Sobolev-Morrey inequalities on RN" 877−877

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