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Vol. 65, No. 1 (January, 2013)
B.L.Fridman; D.Ma Holomorphic functions on subsets of C 1−12
T.Oh; J.Quastel On invariant Gibbs measures conditioned on mass and momentum 13−35
M.Krzywkowski Non-isolating 2-bondage in graphs 37−50
M.Murakami Remarks on surfaces with c21=2χ-1 having non-trivial 2-torsion 51−95
Y.Jang Classification of 3-bridge spheres of 3-bridge arborescent links 97−136
F.Béguin; Z.Rezig Boubaker Existence of orbits with non-zero torsion for certain types of surface diffeomorphisms 137−168
E.R.García Barroso; J.GwoŹdziewicz On the approximate jacobian Newton diagrams of an irreducible plane curve 169−182
R.Ikehata; G.Todorova; B.Yordanov Optimal decay rate of the energy for wave equations with critical potential 183−236
S.Koike; A.Parusiński Equivalence relations for two variable real analytic function germs 237−276
S.Fujii On a bound of λ and the vanishing of μ of Zp-extensions of an imaginary quadratic field 277−298
S.Lamy; S.Vénéreau The tame and the wild automorphisms of an affine quadric threefold 299−320
S.Hamano C1 subharmonicity of harmonic spans for certain discontinuously moving Riemann surfaces 321−341

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