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Vol. 34, No. 2 (April, 1982)
K. Tamano A note on E. Michael's example and rectangular products 187−190
K. Narita No explosion criteria for stochastic differential equations 191−203
M. Hara Analytic functions with finite Dirichlet integrals 205−208
T. Nogura Ultrafilters in a product of spaces 209−217
J. F. Hurley Centers of Chevalley algebras 219−222
R. Sasaki On the equations defining Kummer varieties 223−239
Y. Ando Elimination of certain Thom-Boardman singularities of order two 241−267
Y. Mizuta On the boundary behavior of superharmonic functions in a half space 269−278
H. Tahara On a Volevič system of singular partial differential equations 279−288
S. Tokunaga A condition for holomorphic maps of C2 into C2 to be algebraic 289−292
N. Yagita On mod odd prime Brown-Peterson cohomology groups of exceptional Lie groups 293−305
T. Yamada The Schur index over the 2-adic field 307−315
S. Grabiner Uniform ascent and descent of bounded operators 317−337
S. Kawamura Invariant subspaces of shift operators of arbitrary multiplicity 339−354
T. Fujita Impossibility criterion of being an ample divisor 355−363
H. Okamura Hamiltonian circuits on simple 3-polytopes with up to 30 vertices 365−369
T. Kimura and H. Niitsuma On Kunz's conjecture 371−378

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