M. O'uchi | On covariant representations of continuous C*-dynamical systems | 201--211 |
T. Saito | Hölder estimates on higher derivatives of the solution for \bar∂-equation with Ck-data in strongly pseudoconvex domain | 213--231 |
M. Tsuchiya | On the stochastic differential equation for a two-dimensional Brownian motion with boundary condition | 233--249 |
M. Goto | Cartan subgroups of a Lie group | 251--262 |
W. von Wahl | Regularitätsfragen für die instationären Navier-Stokesschen Gleichungen in höheren Dimensionen | 263--283 |
Y. Tsuno | Holomorphic continuation of solutions of partial differential equations across the multiple characteristic surface | 285--299 |
K. Kawakubo | Global and local equivariant characteristic numbers of G-manifolds | 301--323 |
S. Kobayashi | The first Chern class and holomorphic symmetric tensor fields | 325--329 |
K. Adachi | Continuation of A{\infty }-functions from submanifolds to strictly pseudoconvex domains | 331--341 |
S. Nababan and K. L. Teo | On the existence of optimal controls of the first boundary value problems for parabolic partial delay-differential equations in divergence form | 343--362 |
T. Kimura and H. Niitsuma | Regular local ring of characteristic p and p-basis | 363--371 |
M. Takahashi | Some simple cases of Poincaré conjecture | 373--397 |
T. Oshima and T. Matsuki | Orbits on affine symmetric spaces under the action of the isotropy subgroups | 399--414 |