M. Takahashi | A proof of cut-elimination theorem in simple type-theory | 399−410 |
M. Saito | Représentations unitaires du groupe des déplacements dans un plan p-adique | 411−425 |
F. Götze | Mittelwerteigenschaften der Riemannschen Zeta-Funktion | 426−436 |
S. Endo | Completely faithful modules and quasi-Frobenius algebras | 437−456 |
K. Nagami | Closed images of countable-dimensional spaces | 457−459 |
S. Kobayashi | Invariant distances on complex manifolds and holomorphic mappings | 460−480 |
S. Kobayashi | Distance, holomorphic mappings and the Schwarz lemma | 481−485 |
K. Yano and S. Kobayashi | Prolongations of tensor fields and connections to tangent bundles, III --- Holonomy groups | 486−488 |
I. Wakabayashi | A remark on theorem A for Stein spaces | 489−492 |
Y. Kōmura | Nonlinear semi-groups in Hilbert space | 493−507 |
T. Kato | Nonlinear semigroups and evolution equations | 508−520 |
H. Tanabe | On regularity of solutions of abstract differential equations of parabolic type in Banach space | 521−542 |
S. Ihara | Supplements to : "Holomorphic imbeddings of symmetric domains" | 543−544 |