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Vol. 15, No. 3 (July, 1963)
K. Doi On the field of moduli of an abelian variety with complex multiplication 237−243
T. Kondo On Gaussian sums attached to the general linear groups over finite fields 244−255
M. Mori Über die rationale Darstellbarkeit der Heckeschen Operatoren 256−267
K. Okubo A global representation of a fundamental set of solutions and a Stokes phenomenon for a system of linear ordinary differential equations 268−288
A. Morimoto and T. Nagano On pseudo-conformal transformations of hypersurfaces 289−300
K. Nagami Cross sections in locally compact groups 301−303
M. Kurita On normal contact metric manifolds 304−318
T. Kōmura and Y. Kōmura Sur les espaces parfaits de suites et leurs généralisations 319−338
S. Endo Projective modules over polynomial rings 339−352
S. Hitotumatu Note on the computation of Bessel functions through recurrence formula 353−359
T. Kikuchi On the finiteness of the derived normal ring of an affine ring 360−365

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