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Vol. 2, Nos. 3-4 (April, 1951)
A. Mori On conformal representation of multiply connected polygonal domain 187−197
A. Mori Conformal representation of multiply connected domain on many-sheeted disc 198−209
M. Tsuji On Baire's theorem concerning a function f(x, y), which is continuous with respect to each variable x and y 210−212
M. Tsuji A deformation theorem on conformal mapping 213−215
S. Nakano On invariant differential forms on group varieties 216−227
K. Takeuchi On maximal proper sublattices 228−230
H. Uehara On a generalization of the Abe groups 231−246
H. Uehara Some remarks on relatively free homotopy 247−252
Y. Tomonaga A generalization of Laguerre geometry, I 253−266
S. Koizumi On the differential forms of the first kind on algebraic varieties, II 267−269
J. Hano On the differentiability of the unitary representation of the Lie group 270−283
I. Satake On a theorem of E. Cartan 284−305

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