MSJ Takebe Katahiro Prizes

The 2019 MSJ Takebe Prizes

The 2019 MSJ Takebe Katahiro Prizes are awarded to the following members of MSJ.

MSJ Takebe Katahiro Prize

Kenta Hayano (Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University)
Studies on smooth mappings on 4-manifolds based on mapping class groups of surfaces
Tomoyuki Hisamoto (Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University)
Studies on the stability and existence of special Kähler metrics on polarized manifolds
Shinnosuke Okawa (Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University)
Studies on noncommutative algebraic geometry
Keisuke Takasao (Graduate School of Science / The Hakubi Center for Advanced Research, Kyoto University )
Studies on weak solutions to volume preserving mean curvature flow

MSJ Takebe Katahiro Prize for Encouragement of Young Researchers

Kenta Hashizume (Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo)
A new approach to the minimal model program
Masao Oi (Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University)
Explicit description and depth preserving property of the local Langlands correspondence for classical groups
Yuhei Suzuki (Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University)
Studies on operator algebras arising from topological dynamical systems
Shota Tateyama (School of Fundamental Science and Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University / Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo)
Studies on qualitative properties of $L^p$-viscosity solutions to fully nonlinear partial differential equations

In celebration of its 50th anniversary, the MSJ established above mentioned prizes named after Katahiro Takebe (1644-1739) --- a prominent mathematician in Japan who was a disciple of Seki Takakazu and was noted for his creation of charts for the values of trigonometric functions. The Takebe Prize is set up for young researchers who have obtained outstanding results, and the Encouragement Prize is intended for young mathematicians who are deemed to have begun promising careers in research by obtaining significant results.