MSJ Publication Prize

The 2011 MSJ Publication Prize

The 2011 MSJ Publication Prize is awarded to the following:

"Collected works on mathematics of SEKI School"
Edited by Committee on East Asian History of Mathematics (Kazuo OKAMOTO, Hideki KAWAHARA, Junsei WATANABE, Kenichi SATO, Daeok, Ahn), Bensei Publishing Inc., 2010
This book is a large collection of Wasan books and one of the most important archives for reproducing the research results by Takakazu SEKI and his pupils because of its quality and also of its broadness. The research group has made a significant contribution to the research of Wasan by publishing a facsimile version of the collection.
"DVD-book Mathematical curves hidden in daily life"
Edited and Produced by Masahiko Sato+Euphrates and Benesse Educational Research and Development Center, Shogakukan Inc.
This DVD-book treats many mathematical curves such as parabola, hyperbola and clothoid and shows that how they appear in daily life by using movies with ingenious effects. It contributes largely to deep understanding of mathematics of pupil, students and many others.
