MSJ Publication Prize

The 2009 MSJ Publication Prize

The 2009 MSJ Publication Prize is awarded to the following:

"Pocket Books to enjoy Mathematical Sciences" by Hayakawa Publishing Corporation
Hayakawa Publishing Corporation has chosen many good books of mathematics to publish in the genre of science for all. In particular, "Pocket Books to enjoy Mathematical Sciences" has made mathematical sciences accessible to wide range of readers and has made an important contribution to prevail mathematical sciences in Japan.
Masahito TAKASE
Masahito TAKASE has done splendid translation for important classics in mathematics including works of Euler, Gauss and Legendre. By his writing activities, he has made an important contribution to promote the mathematical culture in Japan.
"Chikuma Cultural Pocket Books for Math & Science" by Chikumashobo Ltd.
This series of Pocket books has included fine books which explain intrinsic motivation of mathematical sciences and describe thoughts underlying deeply in it. Thereby it has made an important contribution to mathematical sciences in Japan in a very serious way.
