Social Activities


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Lectures for Citizens

Since 1989, the MSJ has been sponsoring "Lectures for Citizens" at the occasions of the spring and autumn meetings of the society for the benefits of interested local residents of the meeting sites. The lectures are given by leading specialists in various areas of mathematics to share with wide range of non-professional audience the sense of pleasure one gets in doing mathematics.

Jun O'Hara at Tokyo Institute of Technology

Tatsuo Shimizu at the University of Tokyo

Fujioka Mathematics Class for Fun

This is an annual lecture series organized jointly by the MSJ and Fujioka City in Gumma prefecture for junior high school students of the city, where Takakazu Seki was said to be born. This lecture series was started in 1996 by the request of Fujioka City.

Yoichi Miyaoka
"Do you know how population grows?
---- Geometric progressions and exponential functions"
Mitsuhiro Shishikura
"Strange addition of fractions and continued fractions"
Takashi Tsuboi
"Le Petit Prince and a mathematician"

Lectures on Request to precollege students and pupils

Since 2004, the MSJ is sending members of the Society to elementary, junior and senior high schools within Japan, on request from the school, to give lectures to pre-college students of all levels in order to show them the pleasure of doing mathematics. Requests for lecturers are received at the office of the MSJ.