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Vol. 74, No. 3 (July, 2022)
L.Côté; I.Neithalath On the sheaf-theoretic SL(2, \mathbb{C}) Casson–Lin invariant 683−717
T.Rivoal Factors of E-operators with an η-apparent singularity at zero 719−733
C.Galindo Trivializing group actions on braided crossed tensor categories and graded braided tensor categories 735−752
K.Hessami Pilehrood; T.Hessami Pilehrood; R.Tauraso On 3-2-1 values of finite multiple harmonic q-series at roots of unity 753−758
C.Fefferman; G.K.Luli Cm semialgebraic sections over the plane 759−811
A.Ros On the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian on compact surfaces of genus three 813−828
M.Kawasaki; R.Orita Rigid fibers of integrable systems on cotangent bundles 829−847
Y.Matsumoto Canonical coverings of Enriques surfaces in characteristic 2 849−872
T.Masuda Classification of outer actions of discrete amenable groupoids on injective factors 873−901
K.Hasegawa; Y.Isono; T.Kanda Note on bi-exactness for creation operators on Fock spaces 903−944
H.Ichimura; H.Sumida-Takahashi On the class groups of certain imaginary cyclic fields of 2-power degree 945−972
A.Degtyarev Lines in supersingular quartics 973−1019

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