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Vol. 53, No. 3 (July, 2001)
K. Abe and K. Fukui On the structure of the group of Lipschitz homeomorphisms and its subgroups 501−511
T. Horiuchi Removable singularities for quasilinear degenerate elliptic equations with absorption term 513−540
C. H. Lam Induced modules for orbifold vertex operator algebras 541−557
A. Lanteri and A. L. Tironi On reducible hyperplane sections of 4-folds 559−563
A. Shirai Maillet type theorem for nonlinear partial differential equations and the Newton polygons 565−587
M. Muro Singular invariant hyperfunctions on the space of complex and quaternion Hermitian matrices 590−602
C. Rodriguez Montealegre and L. Vrancken Lagrangian submanifolds of three dimensional complex projective space 603−631
Y. Adachi Condition for global existence of holomorphic solutions of a certain differential equation on a Stein domain of Cn+1 and its applications 633−644
H. T. Ito and H. Tamura Asymptotic behavior of scattering amplitudes in magnetic fields at large separation 645−668
K. Kawamura Lusternik-Schnirelmann type invariants for Menger manifolds 669−685
J. J. Betancor and L. R.-Mesa On Hankel transformation, convolution operators and multipliers on Hardy type spaces 687−709
H. Tahara On the singular solutions of nonlinear singular partial differential equations, I 711−729
H. Yoshihara Galois points on quartic surfaces 731−743

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