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TAKAGI, Tsuyoshi and TODA, Yukinobu won the 11th JSPS Prize

Two MSJ members, TAKAGI, Tsuyoshi and TODA, Yukinobu won the 11th JSPS Prize of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) . The JSPS Prize is awarded to excellent researchers of humanities, social sciences and natural sciences under 45 years of age.

Dr. TAKAGI, Tsuyoshi, a professor at Institute of Mathematics for Industry, Kyushu University of Informatics, was recognized for his contributions to "Security Analysis and Efficient Implementation of Public-key Cryptography".

Dr. TODA, Yukinobu, a project associate professor, at Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, the University of Tokyo, was recognized for his contributions to "Derived Category of Coherent Sheaves and Counting Invariants". Dr. Toda's prior honors include the 2014 MSJ Autumn Prize and the 2012 MSJ Geometry Prize. He was also an invited speaker at International Congress of Mathematicians held in Seoul in August, 2014.
