
========= 非線形数理学セミナー ============
日時:2014年1月23日 14:30 - 17:30
会場:広島大学理学研究科 B 707 教室

14:30 - 15:30: $¥alpha$-Gauss Curvature flows with flat sides;
講演者:Lami Kim 氏(北海道大学)
講演要旨:In this talk, we introduce the deformation of the 2-dimensional convex surfaces
in three dimensional space whose speed at a point on the surface is proportional to $¥alpha$-power of
positive part of Gauss curvature.  For $1/2 <¥alpha ¥leq 1$, we show that there is smooth solution
if the initial data is smooth and strictly convex and that there is a viscosity solution with $C^{1,1}$-estimate
before the collapsing time if the initial surface is only convex.  We also discuss the interface between the
flat side and the strictly convex side of the surface remains smooth on $0<t<T_0$ under certain necessary
regularity and non-degeneracy initial conditions, where $T_0$ is the vanishing time of the flat side.
This talk is based on joint work with K. Lee and E. Rhee.

16:00 - 17:00: The existence of weak solution for mean curvature flow with external force term;
講演者:高棹 圭介 氏(北海道大学)
講演要旨:In 1978, Brakke proved the existence of weak solutions defined
by using geometric measure theory, for the mean curvature flow. The weak
solution is called Brakke's mean curvature flow. In 2010, Liu, Sato and
Tonegawa proved that there exists Brakke's mean curvature flow with
transport term by using the phase field method. In this talk we show the
existence of Brakke's mean curvature flow with external
force term as an application of the results.


