Seminar on Nonlinear PDE in Nara 日時:2013年3月11日(月) 10:00から 17:00まで 場所:奈良女子大学理学部新B棟4階数学科階段教室(B1406)  (道順等は,次を参考にして下さい:   尚、当日南門は閉まっております。) ********** プログラム ********** 3月11日(月) 10:00--11:00 : Hugo Beirao da Veiga (Pisa University) Direction of vorticity and regularity up to the boundary: On the Lipschitz-continuous case 11:15--12:15 : Tatsuo Iguchi (Keio University) Shallow water approximations for water waves ===============Free Discussion================= 14:00--14:30 : Kyoko Tomoeda (Setsunan University) Optimal Korn's inequality for solenoidal vector fields on a periodic slab 14:45--15:45 : Ryo Takada (Kyoto University) Long time existence for the 3D Euler equations with high-speed rotation 16:00--17:00: Paolo Secchi (Brescia University) On the well-posedness of the free plasma-vacuum interface problem