"Nonlinear Wave and Dispersive Equations" 京都大学理学部3号館305教室 (Room 305, Faculty of Science Building No. 3, Kyoto University) Wednesday, March 7 14:00-15:00 猪奥 倫左 氏 (Norisuke Ioku, Ehime University) A remark on Hardy inequalities in a limiting case 15:15-16:15 高橋 太 氏 (Futoshi Takahashi, Osaka City Univeristy) Blow up / Maximum points and the Morse indices of solutions to some nonlinear elliptic equations in two-dimension 16:30-17:30 林 長壽 氏 (Chang-Shou Lin, National Taiwan University) Classification and nondegeneracy of the Toda System with singular sources Thursday, March 8 10:30-11:10 岡本 葵 氏 (Mamoru Okamoto, Kyoto University) Well-posedness and ill-posedness of the Cauchy problem for the Maxwell-Dirac system in 1+1 space time dimensions 11:20-12:00 加藤 孝盛 氏 (Takamori Kato, Kyoto University) Global well-posedness for the Kawahara equation with low regularity data 12:00-14:00 Lunch 14:00-15:00 前田 昌也 氏 (Masaya Maeda, Tohoku University) On the least energy solution in a thin domain 15:15-16:15 高岡 秀夫 氏 (Hideo Takaoka, Hokkaido University) On the derivative nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation with periodic boundary condition 16:30-17:30 Axel Gr\"{u}nrock 氏 (Heinrich Heine University) Local wellposedness for the mKdV-hierarchy aside from H^s 18:30- Banquet Friday, March 9 10:30-11:10 友枝 恭子 氏 (Kyoko Tomoeda, Kyoto University) Optimal Korn's inequality for solenoidal vector fields on a periodic slab with application to the Navier-Stokes flow down a vertical wall 11:20-12:20 成田 誠 氏 (Makoto Narita, Okinawa National College of Technology) Singularity in solutions of the Einstein equations 組織委員:堤 誉志雄 (Yoshio Tsutsumi, Kyoto University)      中西 賢次 (Kenji Nakanishi, Kyoto University)      加藤 孝盛 (Takamori Kato, Kyoto University)