Global COE International Mini-Workshop of the University of Tokyo "Microlocal analysis and partial differential equations" 東京大学大学院数理科学研究科 123号室 研究代表者:片岡清臣(東京大学) 副研究代表者:熊ノ郷直人(工学院大学) 11/16(火) 16:00~16:45 打越敬祐(防衛大学) Hyperfunctions and vortex sheets 17:00~18:30 L. Boutet de Monvel (University of Paris 6) Residual trace and equivariant asymptotic trace of Toeplitz operators 19:00~ Dinner Party 11/20(土) 10:00~10:45 神本晋吾(東京大学) TBA 11:00~12:00 Michael Ruzhansky (Imperial College London) Pseudo-differential operators on compact Lie groups (1) 13:30~14:30 Michael Ruzhansky (Imperial College London) Pseudo-differential operators on compact Lie groups (2) 15:00~15:45 熊ノ郷直人(工学院大学) Path integrals for Gaussian processes as analysis on path space by time slicing approximation 16:00~16:45 片岡清臣(東京大学)  A system of fifth-order nonlinear partial differential equations and a surface which contains many circles 11/21(日) 10:00~11:10 松山登喜夫(東海大学) Dispersion for 3D wave equation with a potential in an exterior domain 11:00~12:00 Michael Ruzhansky (Imperial College London) Pseudo-differential operators on compact Lie groups (3)